Sue’s floral garden bouquet


This pretty floral arrangement not only makes an eye-catching centrepiece for outdoor summer dining, it also helps keep the bugs away! The lavender and herbs have natural insect repellent properties that help deter flies and mosquitoes from joining your garden gatherings.


What you’ll need

A vase, or some jam jars

Forget me nots


Matricaria, also known as Feverfew






How to make it

1. Strip leaves off the lower part of the stems. This helps to keep the water clear.

2. Hold the flowers against the jar or vase to see how long you need the stems to be, then cut them to fit. Cut the stems at an angle to help the plants absorb plenty of water.

3. Next trim the herbs – these will keep the bugs away.

4. Start making your bouquet. Place your bright coloured flowers together in a focal point, then work your way around the outside with the other flowers and herbs.

5. Tie loosely with a piece of string, making sure there aren’t any leaves on the lower part of the stems. Trim the stems at the bottom so they are an even length.

6. Add water to your vase or jar and add your arrangement.

7. Decorate the jar with raffia or a ribbon for an extra pop of colour.


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