Working together to tackle hunger

We’re supporting the incredible work of FareShare in two different ways. We donate our surplus food to the team, so they can pass it on to people in need. And we raise money to help pay for vital transport and staffing costs.

We’re now donating enough food to create 4,460 meals a day, 22,132 meals a week or more than one million meals a year - supporting more than 3,000 people in need.

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State-of-the-art food hub

State-of-the-art food hub

We’ve donated over £150,000 to help create a specialist food hub in Leicestershire. Our best before food items and non-food goods that can’t be sold are collected up and sorted here, then delivered to FareShare so it can pass them on to dozens of local charities across the region.

The Residents of Fairfield Association, Buxton

This charity operates a food hub for local residents in need. During the pandemic, the demand for their services doubled; at some points they were providing food for up to 120 children a day. The support of FareShare meant they could carry on delivering food parcels and operating a collection hub, to help make sure no-one went hungry.

The Residents of Fairfield Association

Eyres Monsell Club for Young People

Eyres Monsell Club for Young People, Leicester

Eyres Monsell Club is a youth centre that supports people aged eight to 25. FareShare helps stock its community cafe, which offers low cost breakfast and lunch. It also supports the community pantry, which gives out bags of food and other essential supplies. The Club is in an area that’s among the top 10% in Leicester for social deprivation.

Remar UK, Nottingham

Remar UK offers free housing and support to vulnerable people, including single mothers, homeless people, those suffering from addiction and families living in poverty. FareShare helps provide essential food supplies, as well as supporting the community kitchen that provides meals twice a week for between 80 and 120 people.

Remar UK

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